Miyamoto Musashi’s 20 rules for a good life.

Josh Yates
4 min readNov 11, 2017


Miyamoto Musashi, a Japanese Buddhist born in 1584, noted that there are twenty rules you should attempt to follow in order to lead a happy and fulfilled life. He was a renowned warrior as well as an expert swordsman. Moreover, his teachings are still studied today. Days before he died, he wrote the following for his pupils:

– Don’t live in regret

Accept the fact that you can’t change your past. Additionally, everything happens for a reason, and it is all part of your journey in life. Do not dwell on things you once did, it cannot change them.

– Try to accept life as it comes

You should accept the life you are given for the sake of your mental health. Despair, stress, and anxiety are natural parts of your life, and it shouldn’t be attacked. The truth is that if you accept the most difficult aspects of life, it can make you stronger to their advances.

– Don’t want more than you have

Desire just makes you want for things you might never gain. Attempt to live without desire because it becomes delusional.

– Enjoy pleasure naturally and live life in the moment

As human beings, we spend too much time chasing down pleasure — we have become part of a society obsessed with sexual pleasure, give in to our cravings, and reach for more all the time. According to Musashi, you need to live life in the moment. You should also enjoy pleasure naturally rather than striving for it.

– Make sure you protect your honor

Musashi’s teachings indicate that the only way to be true to yourself was to live life as honorably as you know how and follow your own beliefs.

– Don’t chase happiness in the form of possessions

Musashi believed that you don’t need possessions to live happily. Simply try to live in the moment and don’t chase happiness in the form of possessions.

– Don’t rely exclusively on God’s guidance

Although you should respect God, you shouldn’t rely exclusively on God’s guidance because it can’t lead you through each motion. While God should be a figure of guidance, you should make your own path in the end.

– Don’t believe in anything just because you have heard it

Everything is an opinion. Don’t believe in anything just because it’s rumored and spoken by many people. Simply let your own beliefs and thoughts have space.

– Avoid holding on to things you do not need anymore

In case it once was important, it may still be cast aside now to live a simple and pure life.

– Don’t be gluttonous

Musashi claimed that you should never take too much pleasure in eating, and you need to strip meals down to be filling.

– Avoid being a slave to your surroundings

Health, love, and life itself need to be treasured above anything else in the world.

– Keep your options open

Avoid ruling out matters of the future with closed off thoughts. Try to keep your options open to let the best opportunities come your way.

– Never allow lust to rule your life

People are actually sexual beings by nature. That’s why you may waste your life on lustful thoughts. You should instead strive for lasting relationships.

– Never complain about anything

To complain when things go wrong, Musashi’s teachings indicate that you should allow these things to pass.

– Don’t dwell on a sad separation

If you are continually thinking on a sad parting of family or friends, it may prevent you from continuing and moving on your life. Musashi pointed out that as the dead cannot be brought back, they need to be left behind in the past.

– Don’t be jealous of others

Jealousy is actually a strong form of hatred. According to Musashi, if you get stuck in its grasp, it may ruin you. Try to be thankful for what you yourself have and don’t be jealous of other people.

– Don’t obsess over yourself

Strive to separate from your ego and yourself for a better perception of what’s important.

– Don’t act on an impulse emotion

Contrary to the popular belief, Musashi’s teachings indicate that following your heart is not a good idea because it may result in bad decisions. This means that you should not give way to impulse, people pleasing, or social pressures.

– Don’t use weaponry unless it’s necessary

Despite his fame with a sword, he noted that weaponry may be used sparingly and only if necessary.

– Overcome the fear of death

If you fear death, it may prevent you from living life to the full. So, you should live every single day individually and don’t fear the consequences of any action.

